For the 10th year in a row, members of WBCSD’s Forest Solutions Group (FSG) are reporting their 2024 Key Performance Indicators results. The positive trends across the eight impact areas reveal continued progress towards a net-zero, nature-positive and equitable future.

FSG’s vision of a growing circular bioeconomy, rooted in thriving working forests and based on the Forest Sector SDG Roadmap, was translated into meaningful actions within eight impact areas: Working Forests, Bioeconomy, Circularity, Climate, Water, People, Communities and Procurement. These actions are tied to KPIs allowing businesses to take stock of the status of implementation measured against baselines set in 2014 and 2020.

In order to continue to track progress on the commitments made in the Forest Sector SDG Roadmap and demonstrate adherence to FSG’s Membership Principles & Responsibilities, FSG members report and communicate their results annually.

List of KPIs

KPI results

Results of focus areas